Jul 13, 2020
10:38 Can you use the RP app during pregnancy
13:03 Can you use the RP app during breastfeeding
14:21 Can you lift weights while having PCOS
15:41 Ideal length of time for fat loss diet
20:00 Diet length recommendations for PCOS
21:35 Explaining how the RP Diet app builds meals
24:34 Why eating more basic foods may lead to more diet success
30:15 Can the RP app work for people who don't train hard
34:00 Why are there different macros on training and rest days
38:50 What carbs to eat when
41:25 At what body fat is it appropriate to start a masss
44:40 How to determine your ideal weight
47:45 Maintenance dieting on vacation
52:05 Should nutrition change in summer with outdoor training
52:52 How many calories do you burn in weight training
53:52 Thoughts on intermittent fasting when on maintenance
55:07 When should you consider 1 on 1 coaching with RP
56:36 Getting sick while dieting
57:40 Should you eat or drink your calories when dieting
1:01:20 How to educate others about scientific dieting
1:05:55 How to gain an identity for yourself