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Aug 28, 2023

0:27 Diet and training updates
5:57 The best exercise
10:19 Variation factors
15:35 Context
19:04 Training changes with experience
25:55 What makes an exercise better
33:16 Program design
35:10 Stimulus To Fatigue Ratio
44:42 Fatigue factors
51:10 Fat loss vs muscle gain exercises
53:04 How to choose the exercise

Aug 21, 2023

0:27 Mike’s post show recovery

2:10 Nick’s kids cheat meals
4:25 Mike’s cheat meal rules
8:30 Protein powder intro
9:58 Whey protein explained
16:40 Casein vs whey before bed
18:05 Nick’s casein pudding
22:03 Casein explained
29:30 Lactose intolerance
32:00 Beef protein powder
34:40 Vegan and soy protein

Aug 14, 2023

0:30 Intro to deloads

1:13 How deloads were incorporated into RP

6:18 “I don’t do deloads”

8:35 Taking time off on your own terms

10:43 Technical definition of deload

15:12 Why bring down fatigue

19:33 How often to deload

23:50 Fatigue indicators

25:40 Special supplements affect on fatigue

33:05 Goggins doesn’t...

Aug 7, 2023

0:51 Protein bar taste test video
2:57 Protein bars ranked, snickers
6:50 MetRx
7:52 Anabar
11:52 Ways of ranking protein bars
17:30 Calorie to protein ratio
19:54 Sugar alcohols explained
25:30 Keto ice cream trend
28:24 Carb vs fat amount
32:51 Price matters
34:06 Built puff bar
39:58 How...