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May 31, 2022

0:20 Randy and Karen did the challenge together
3:19 How they feel after losing so much weight
7:36 Dieting with a pilots lifestyle
9:57 What type of training they do
13:23 Meal planning as a pilot
21:45 Favorite airports
25:42 How did they her about RP
29:29 Keeping long term results
36:25 Is dieting easier with a...

May 23, 2022

0:30 Interview with Nick about becoming very lean
2:05 What were Nick's diet motivations
6:08 What was Nick's diet before his weight cut
7:50 Nick's psychology when entering the diet
10:30 Did Nick have a weight loss goal
12:00 When did the diet get hard and how he dealt with it
14:55 Step counting
17:20 Nick's macros...

May 16, 2022

0:22 First place female in transformation challenge

1:28 Her weight went up in the first week
3:00 Dealing with weight fluctuations
9:15 Her nutrition leading up to the challenge
10:34 Challenges of dieting as a mom and executive
14:44 Cardio
19:18 How did she find RP
21:48 Newly discovered good habits
28:45 How she...

May 9, 2022

0:15 Transformation challenge winner

2:44 How Justin got into fitness
6:00 Justin's insane daily step count
8:45 How he found out about RP
10:55 His motivation to start the diet
13:26 Goal setting
15:53 How he weight trained
20:32 Justin's advice on schedule
22:30 What he ate and meal prep
24:40 Biggest struggles

May 2, 2022

1:11 Dr. Derek's standout clients this year
3:00 How to deal with goals not being met
6:45 Do you need to suffer for results
9:49 Dealing with all or nothing mindsets
12:25 Dealing with slip-ups
19:23 People working too hard and not progressing
32:07 Warnings against overworking
40:11 Difficulty of deloads
45:22 How...