Mar 30, 2020
1:46 define body image
4:09 plotting body image on a scale
7:37 having positive body image regarded
as conceited
14:17 you can love your body but
still want improve it
15:51 Norman Borlaug
17:45 is social media the cause of body image issues
24:59 getting inspired vs getting envious by pics on social
32:00 the...
Mar 23, 2020
Mar 19, 2020
2:50 Mike buying groceries growing up in Soviet Union
4:40 Food production supply chain
7:31 Healthcare situation
13:11 Extremes of Corona reaction
14:45 Going to needlessly social circumstances
17:30 Postponing RP SUMMIT
20:50 Charlotte boil water advisory
23:00 Dealing with panic
27:21 Diet recommendations during this...
Mar 16, 2020
1:49 Paul's background
11:52 coaching bodybuilding clients from personal experience
16:50 Fueling the adolescent book on youth nutrition
18:35 tips for getting kids to eat healthier
21:23 be a food role model
24:34 get kids involved in shopping and cooking
28:25 get kids some kind of protein per meal
30:40 how to deal...
Mar 9, 2020
:56 What is a cut
3:50 What can goal oriented people do during maintenance
5:09 What is the best way to lose body fat
7:19 Mindset for cutting
15:33 False hope syndrome
18:25 Does cutting get harder or easier the more you do it
20:19 Divide large goals into manageable segments
23:41 Who should, who should not cut